Top 5 Places To Find DATES!
If you're lacking in significant other, than you're part of the SINGLE AF CREW. It's not a bad place to be. It brings awareness to your situation and makes you feel less alone. In my latest video, you'll find the Top 5 Places To Find Dates. Make sure you brush up on your awkwardness before tackling these places. In my case, I just accept my inner awkward. You'll be happy to know that this list does not include clubs and bars. Those places can be zoos and I'm not trying to throw you into the jungle.
Top 5 Places to Find Dates
1. Coffee Shops - Yes, just like the movies this can happen. But, you have to go to the poppin coffee shops. Yep. Annoying I know, but you have to go where people are to meet someone.
2. Sports Oriented Sh!t - Go to a sporting event or join an adult sports league. This is a great way to meet someone in daylight, soberish, while being active. Plus, you can see if they have an awkward run.
3. Grocery Stores - Face it, we all have to eat or we'll die. There's a great chance that at some point during the week you'll find someone here. Maybe your hands will touch while reaching for the same cereal.
4. HOUSE PARTIES - It's a dying breed the older you get. Yet, people love house parties. It's the feeling of being able to talk to people that have common interests. In this case, your friends. It's a dating app, but in real life.
5. Gym - Get a membership or class pass and use this to your advantage. It's also good for your health. In trying to find a man or a woman. You might trick your body into some abs. It's a double win.
The best part about this Top 5 is that it comes full circle. You might run into that cutie from the gym at the grocery store. The guy you met at the house party might be in your coffee shop. People, this is the trifecta of dating. Use it.
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top 5 places to find dates
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